Mitsubishi A500 inverter

The A500 is a high-performance, multi-function drive suitable for standard AC motors.

We carried a range of the A500 inverter, however it has been superseded by the A700, which we carry in stock and can offer short lead times or suitable alternatives to any that are out of stock. Alternatively we can offer to repair you A500.

Specification below:

Model Number Motor Power Rated Current Unit Price
480V 3ph input
FR-A540-1.5K-EC 1.5kW 4.0A no longer

FR-A540-2.2K-EC 2.2kW 6.0A
FR-A540-3.7K-EC 3.7kW 9.0A
FR-A540-7.5K-EC 7.5kW 17A


Inverter Dimensions
Model Number H (mm) W (mm) D (mm)
200-240V 1ph input
FR-A540-1.5K - 3.7K-EC 260 150 140
FR-A540-7.5K-EC 260 220 170

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